Non-Emergency Medical Transportation in Antelope Valley, CA

Safe. Comfortable. Trusted.

MEDIX Transportation is a non-emergency medical transport (NEMT) company serving Antelope Valley, CA. We provide 3 modes of NEMT services: Wheelchair transport, Stretcher transport, and Ambulatory transport. Our compassionate, dedicated, and professional team will transport you or your loved ones wherever you need to go. We ensure that our clients are properly endorsed at their destination.

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation - Wheel chair transport

Wheelchair Transport

Wheelchair Transport: for the safety and comfort of our patients, our wheelchair vans are equipped with a seven-point wheelchair restraint system, hydraulic lifts, raised roofs. Our van will accommodate a scooter and we have our own wheelchairs available for use upon request. This wheelchair transport service can be utilized for senior transport, disabled person transport, and older people transport.

Wheelchair transport, Stretcher transport, and Ambulatory transport

Stretcher/Gurney Transport

Stretcher/Gurney Transport: for patients whose mobility limitation require they be transported in a lying position, our safe and comfortable stretcher transportation is available. For the added safety of our patients, this is a two-person crew transportation service. This service is suitable for older people transport, dialysis transport, interfacility transport and outpatient surgical services transport.

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Ambulatory Transport

Ambulatory Transport: for our patients with physical and/or mental challenges who are ambulatory but still require assistance and/or supervision. Walkers and rollators are welcome. This service is also perfect for same-day/outpatient surgery transportation.

Some of the NEMT services we provide in Antelope Valley, CA include: 

  • Medical/Dental Appointment transport
  • Dialysis Transport
  • Radiation/Chemotherapy Transport
  • Physical/Occupational Therapy Transport
  • Psychiatry and Mental Health Transport
  • Hospital Admissions/Discharges Transport
    1.  Emergency Room Discharges Transport
    2. Facility-to-facility transport
  • Out Patient surgery/Day surgery pick up and drop offs
    1.  Medical procedures Transport
    2. Cosmetic procedures Transport
    3. Oral surgery Transport
  • Laboratory Appointment Transport

Radiology Appointment Transport

We also provide transport for non-medical services in Antelope Valley, CA. 

  • Airport Transportation
  • Hotel pick up and drop offs
  • Relocation services
  • Social Outings
  • Religious activities